文学院 & 科学

A four picture collage of the college of arts and science divisions. 海洋科学,专业预科,NROTC和科学.


Our faculty, students and alumni are active and engaged in research, service, and 专业发展. Our 大学聚光灯 showcase these achievements and keep 让你了解学校最新的发展情况.



Dr. McNeil-Young is a psychologist whose research centers on the well-being of marginalized people and communities and to date she has published or co-authored several peer reviewed 她所在学科的期刊文章. 在她的教室里. McNeil-Young相信 that students should grow not only intellectually, but also mentally, emotionally, 和社会. This is done in a supportive but challenging environment where students feel safe to critically engage and build meaningful connections. 她的指导和 pedagogical philosophy have two primary tenants 1) teaching should be collaborative and reflect the needs of the students and 2) multicultural awareness leads to holistic 增长.



Dr. 娜塔莎 Vanderhoff is a field biologist, educator, and avid birder.  她喜欢 sharing her passion for the natural world with her students and is very excited about 他们新的生物多样性,生态学 & 保护主要. Dr. 范德霍夫是一个广义的 trained biologist with a specialization in behavioral ecology.  因为她的纪律 is not specific to one type of animal, she is able to mentor students with a variety of interests and most of her projects involve active participation of students.  Dr. Vanderhoff loves figuring out what animals are doing and saying, and her field sites range from JU’s campus to city parks, to the jungles of Ecuador.  她目前的研究 includes population studies of the margay, a near-threatened neotropical cat, vocalizations in urban birds, escape behavior in lizards, and interactive vocalizations in mammals. 



Bené Green is a senior from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania majoring in Education for Instruction 辅修社会学. She is involved in the Black Student Union, JAX RecWell, and the Steering Committee for New Student Experience. ben也是一名志愿者导师 which has driven her passion to pursue a job within the juvenile justice and education 系统. 

"My time at 杰克逊维尔大学 has helped me build a solid foundation in who 我是谁,我将成为谁. Through the university, I have made many great connections and have had the ability to experience a variety of things that are not available 通过其他学校. The education program encourages students to go further and gives us the opportunity to put what we learn into action. 进入我的大四, I feel prepared to go into the workforce after school because of how detailed the program is to my individual line of work as well as any other path I may choose." ——祝福



泰勒科夫, emerged from his academic journey as a senior with a major in Chemistry 辅修物理. Having served six years in the United States Air Force prior to joining JU, Tyler discovered a renewed sense of purpose during his time at the 文理学院. The exceptional education, training, and support he received at JU enabled him to engage in biomedical research at Notre Dame University 以及梅奥诊所医学院. 受到这些经历的启发,泰勒的志向 转而攻读博士学位.生物化学博士. 他成功地申请并被录取了 into graduate programs at the University of Florida, Notre Dame, and Brown University. The professors at 杰克逊维尔大学 played an instrumental role in fostering 泰勒作为学者的成长. With the skills, knowledge, and independence instilled in him by JU, Tyler is now prepared to make a significant impact on the world.

Prelaw and Preprofessional students sitting on the lawn

JU优势 在进行职前培训计划

全球网络赌博平台支持您的职业目标. 如果你有兴趣上法学院或者 working in the health professions, we offer you opportunities to join student organizations, 获取相关经验,并提供个性化建议. 与全球网络赌博平台合作 academic programs, the pre-law and pre-health programs help you prepare for the step 你像JU吗?.


Dr. 克里斯托弗Corbo

艺术学院院长 & 科学


Dr. 劳拉·钱伯斯·阿特金斯

 副院长,C艺术学院 & 科学


Ms. 温迪·帕里什

艺术学院行政助理 & 科学

联系信息 文学院 & 科学

文学院 & 科学

电子邮件: coas@speckythirdeye.com
